These last few weeks some fellow volunteers and I have been doing garden trainings. We’ve held these at the homes of different families, many who have children who have had or currently have malnutrition. By sharing with them simple ways to improve their gardens (i.e. digging deeper, enriching the soil, pulling weeds, and planting (and then eating) nutritious vegetables), we’re building on what they already know and helping them to help themselves.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How does your garden grow?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Well, that’ exactly what I did! But why does the verse say to go? To declare good news. And I do have good news: Together my friend Sonia and I, made to the top of Africa and the world’s tallest free standing mountain, Urhuru Peak, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. In fact, we were standing on the summit a month ago today.
What a delightful adventure and experience. I loved every minute of the climb (and am so thankful I didn’t have any altitude sickness!)
Just a little further in the same chapter of Isaiah, verses 28-31 shares this:
God is the Good News! He’s the Creator of the ends of the earth (glaciers in Africa) and His handiwork was such a delight see all along our trek. From unusual trees, friendly monkeys, and a zebra rock, His creativity was declared everywhere I looked.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
A Pennyful of Thoughts
I was thinking about pennies, how they can sometimes seem insignificant, just one small coin. But they are the very makeup of the dollar, which is the very makeup of the American economy (whether in a recession or not). One penny might not seem like much, but if every American gave just one penny, the total amount of money would be over 3 million dollars! Wow! I think it’s the same way with our daily actions. They can seem so small, like what we are doing couldn’t ever really make a difference. But if together we do little things, to reach out, to show others that we care, it really can change the world.
So, heads or tails? I say heads. Where on every penny (and nickel, quarter, and dime too) it is written “In God we trust.” There is no other place I would rather place my trust! Indeed, how very good it is to be able to trust in God and to know that He is all the time trustworthy! Well, that’s my two cents worth. I’ll end with this challenge from Psalm 37:3 that echoes this project and my heart’s desire for the rest of my service here, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.”
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The lit up smile, on this girl’s face (and her mother’s) came not because of the camera, but from playing with the small cloth doll she has in her hands. I've been enjoying sewing these and bean bags during my spare time.
Recent hospital projects:
*Applying for a grant, receiving funding and having a sink installed in the pediatric ward
*Helping facilitate a support group for HIV positive children
*Beginning to establish a psycho-social support program for children during their hospital stay.
Before the sink, the bucket in the background was used for hand washing
Sink Installed!
Other activites:
Teaching at Compassion International, Working with a Cooprtative of People living with HIV, Running in the Kigali 1/2 Marathon in May
And most recently a wonderful visit with my parents! It was delightful to see them, to catch up, show off Rwanda, and go on a safari together. I also put them to work, they brought along with them suitcases full of toothbrushes and tons of stickers too! We were able to teach kids proper tooth care and then provide them with tooth brushes so they could do it! Thanks to all of you who sent toothbrushes, stickers and toys with my parents. That was such a blessing, both to me and especially to the kids here in Rwanda!
So I close with a smile, for all the the Lord's blessings both past, present and future.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning"" James 1:17
Thursday, January 28, 2010
It's Been a Year!
I've also been getting to continue my work as a Child Life Specialist in the local hospital! It is a delight to be able to bring play activites into an otherwise rather miserable environment for have tears stop and smiles appear, what a great reason to be here!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A Collection of Christmas Photos (and a few thoughts too)
...where family, friends and frosty weather are missed, but Christ’s birth is celebrated with fun traditions and a joyful heart.
I made a wreath for my door,
gingerbread houses with friends,
decorated a tree,
and even fashioned a manger scene from corn husks!
I was so thankful to have a Christmassy home here! But even more so, I am so thankful that Christmas is much, much more than just snowflakes and holiday cheer. It’s the celebration of Christ’s birth and life!
How delightful it was to read the Christmas story together with my host family in both Kinyarwanda and English. “Kuk’ uyu munsi Umukiz’abavukiye mu murwa wa Dawidi, uzaba Kristo Umwami.” “For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” ~Luke 2:11
It is such a blessing to know that “you” means each and every one of us. That Christmas, and its message of hope and life in Jesus, is for the whole world. Glory to God in the highest, it is in Him that we find peace!